The minimum age requirement is 21 years old for scooters and 23 years old for a ATV and buggy. This is because insurance companies do not cover younger ages.
Yes. The customer, in order to rent the desired vehicle, must bring with him physically his valid driving license, which must be active and meet the following requirements:
1) Vechicles for hire can carry one or two passengers at the most. In case that more passengers are tracked down, the vehicle will be taken away from the client and he will be fined the sum of 120,00 EURO.Vechicles for hire are in perfect condition and clients have the obligation to return them in the same condition.
2) Vechicles for hire are insured for material damages or injuries caused to a third party.
3) In case of accident due to a third party, all repairs needed will be reimbursed by those who caused them ( given, of course, that their full particulars will be known, id, their name, address etc).
4) In case of accident caused by the client, it is the client that has the obigation to reimburse all repairs needed.
5) Clients are responsible for paying any damage due to any sort of acts of vandalism, theft of essential parts or accessories of the vehicle, etc.
6) In case of a third party stealing the whole vehicle, clients are responsible for reimbursing it entirely unless they have paid for a theft insurance upon booking.
7) Vechicles for hire are in perfect condition and clients have the obligation to return them in the same condition.
8) In case of flat tire, we fix it free of charge.
9) In case of unjustifiable delay beyond the time and date set for returning the hired vehicle, clients are charged 3,00 EURO for each hour of delay.
10) If a client commits a traffic offence, he will have to pay the fine.
11) No refunds are made.
12) Clients are prohibited from driving the vehicle in sand, in dirt or rough roads (full of potholes and rocks), anywhere with no roads or extremely difficult roads in general, and if they do so, they are fined the sum of 120,00 EURO.
13) 2 Helmets are granted to clients without charge.
14) There will be 40,00 EURO extra charge, in case you do not dring back the helmet
15) Maximum 50 km per hour.
16) Drink and drive is forbitten by the law.
17) If the client accepts the terms of colision damage waiver or full coverage insurance the terms 4 and 5 will be invalidated accordingly.